Save Leeds' Bowling Greens
Leeds Liberal Democrats have responded to the announcement that Labour-run Leeds City Council plan to scrap 30 bowling greens across the city with anger, and a commitment to fight the closures.
The Council says the closures will save them £350,000 as this is cost of ‘subsidising’ their maintenance, but Liberal Democrat Cllrs say that the Council’s penny pinching is not just hypocritical, but by undermining older people’s wellbeing, it will cost the Council more in the long term.
Liberal Democrat Group Leader Cllr Stewart Golton said:
“Our parks are at the centre of our investment in people’s health and wellbeing. Just as our NHS looks after our health from the cradle to the grave, so our parks as our Natural Health Service should be equipped to keep us fit from being toddlers to pensioners. Bowling greens are as integral to our community parks just as much as swings and roundabouts. They are not optional extras.”
The Council’s Labour administration have called the £350,000 cost of maintaining the city’s bowling greens a ‘subsidy’ that can no longer be justified. Leeds Liberal Democrats see this as evidence that the ruling Labour Group have lost the plot by viewing this sports expenditure as a financial loss and not an investment. Furthermore they see this as a discriminatory move against older people.
Cllr Golton continued:
“Hundreds of mostly older people across the city are set to lose access to a sport that keeps them physically fit and active, and helps improve their mental health by avoiding people feeling isolated at home. Why is the cost of greens maintenance singled out to be labelled an unfair ‘subsidy’? It’s a fraction of what the Council spends on parks every year. Far more is spent on grass cutting, but you never hear that called a football ‘subsidy’, or a dog walkers ‘subsidy’. They wouldn’t dream of calling the money spent on skateparks or play equipment a play ‘subsidy’ and expect parents to pay ever higher fees or face their playground being shut. To target an activity that appeals to and is mostly participated in by older people that need more gentle exercise can be seen as nothing less than discrimination. It shows disrespect for them, and for colleagues elsewhere in health and care professions that will pick up the consequences of people with worse health outcomes as a result of being deprived access to exercise.”
Liberal Democrat Councillors in Otley and Yeadon and Rothwell wards are supporting their local bowling clubs fighting the closure of their greens. They have also committed, should the labour administration continue to include these closures in their Council budget proposals for this year, to submit an amendment demonstrating how the Labour administration could afford to keep the greens in operation.
Sign our petition and help save your bowling greens!