Help to raise money for Leeds Liberal Democrats and potentially win up over £100 a month in prizes by joining the Leeds 100 club!
What is the 100 Club and how does it work?
Our 100 club helps to raise funds for local campaigning which is vital for the next Local Elections. The WY Mayoral Election and the General Election – all expected in 2024
There are 100 numbers available and for just £5 per number, per month, and you can buy as many as you like while they are still available. You must commit to keeping the same number(s) for a year. Each month we will hold a draw based on the last two digits for the first three numbers in the Premium Bond draw. Yes if you were very lucky you could win all three prizes in one month. We will announce the lucky winners to all club members via Facebook and email and their winnings will be transferred direct to their bank accounts by BACS. The rest of the income generated from the monthly subscriptions will to go to support the local party
What is the value of the monthly prize?
1st Prize 20% or £100, 2nd Prize 12% or £60, 3rd Prize 8% or £40 (whichever is the highest)
If you’re lucky, however, you could end up winning multiple prizes!
How Do I Join?
Participants must set up a standing order:
- Decide on your monthly subscription (multiples of £5 only please)
- Contact the100club@LeedsLibDems.org.uk to enquire about numbers available
- Fill in an application form (here)
- Contact your bank and set up a standing order payable to Leeds Liberal Democrats, Sort Code: 05-00-58 Account Number: 64144555 the reference should be LIBDEM 100CLUB and ideally we ask that the payment is made on 20th of each month
- Please advise us that you’ve done this by emailing the100club@LeedsLibDems.org.uk with your application form attached.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper standing order form you can download one here
Participants must be 16 or over but do not need to be registered members or supporters
What are the rules?
You can read the rules here
What if I have a question?
Please email Diane Chapman (club organiser) at the100club@LeedsLibDems.org.uk