Focus Extra August 2023
Thanks for signing up to our monthly email from the local LibDem team. We can’t replace the Rothwell
Record but we will try our best to share what we know is happening locally.
In this months issue:
- Looking back on Rothwell Summer Carnival…
- …and looking forward to next month’s Autumn Festival
- Leeds 2023 – what do you think of it so far?Bank closure shows why community run Council Offices needed now!
- Flytipping success
- School Uniform Pop Ups
- Summer Holidays Kids Activities Club
- What’s Going On?
- And Finally…..

A Damp & Soggy Summer Carnival
The Rothwell Carnival Committee did a fantastic job organising a host of attractions to entertain the family for the annual summer carnival in Springhead Park on the 8th July. They laid on a beach complete with deckchairs, a mini-farm, bungee trampolines, market & community stalls, a bar, Walkabout Hounds, Go Karts and a traditional fairground. What they couldn’t guarantee was a sunny day! Carnival Committee volunteer Cllr Diane Chapman explained “The weather was a little unkind but in a true British style we kept calm and carried on! People put on their wellies and raincoats, grabbed a brolly and came down to see what was on. It may not have been as busy as previous years but there was a queue all day for the face-painting, and everyone made the most of it and had a bit of fun!”

Autumn Festival – Ready for a second helping? (Saturday 9th September, 11am-4pm, Rothwell Town Centre)
Saturday 9th September, 11am-4pm, Rothwell Town Centre
Following the success of last year’s inaugural Autumn Festival, volunteers from the Rothwell Allotment Association and the Rothwell Carnival Committee are hoping the second year for the event will be even better!
Local councillor and allotmenteer Stewart Golton said “The Festival’s emphasis is Food, Family, Fun & Affordability. Along Commercial Street, local businesses will be joined by a food and craft market, and the road will be closed to traffic to create a play street with entertainment. A Scarecrow Trail will lead down the street to the Butcher Lane chapel where the Horticultural Show will offer the best in home-grown produce.”
Terry Baynes, Chair of Rothwell Allotment Association added “We’ve put a lot of effort to encourage more people to enter their flowers and veg so it should be great show. We will have cookery demonstrations, kids arts activities and the WI stall is always a draw.”
It is also hoped to have a free outdoor cinema experience following the Show courtesy of Leeds 2023 Year of Culture – look out for next month’s e-focus!

Leeds City of Culture 2023 – Damp Squib or Roaring Success?
Leeds is celebrating a year of culture in 2023 with events happening across the City.
This year was meant to be the year that a UK city hosted the European City of Culture, and Leeds City Council put its hat in the ring in 2015. The Brexit vote in 2016 meant that Leeds no longer qualified, but the Council decided to go ahead and plan for a year long festival anyway, contributing over £10 million to the budget.
As councillors for Rothwell we were looking forward to celebrating the year of culture in our area and across the city. Unfortunately, over the past 7 months the reality has been disappointing. A huge amount of money has been spent but there doesn’t seem to be a lot to show for it, particularly in outlying areas like ours.
Key events so far were: an ‘Awakening’ outdoor concert at Headingley Stadium in January; the building of the ‘WOW’ Barn temporary events space on a car park at Woodhouse Moor in the Spring; and for the summer, an art installation made out of wooden planks on City Square.
The independent Leeds 2023 Trust has 9 members (including one Labour, and one Conservative councillor) and a budget of £18 million. Just 1% of that budget (£180,000) is shared out equally to the 33 wards in the city (£5,500 each) for local activity.
One ‘local’ initiative delivered by Leeds 2023 that has proved controversial is called ‘The Gift’ – a collection of artistic motifs supposedly to celebrate each ward in the city, designed by a London-based artist.
Ours celebrates our Rhubarb heritage – although many have likened it more to Voldemort & the Dementors!
Now that we councillors have offered our perspective - what do you think? Have you been to an event? Has Leeds 2023 encouraged you to experience more culture, or try something new? We really would appreciate your thoughts on an email.
Natwest closure means handover of the Council Offices needed more than ever!
The closure of the Natwest branch on Commercial Street is a body blow to the area’s principal town centre. Cllr Conrad Hart-Brooke explains why:
“Face to face banking is preferred by many people, particularly the elderly. Local traders need to pay in cash takings. Even if you are comfortable with online banking, everyone needs a conversation with a human being about finances once in a while, and you shouldn’t have to travel for miles to get one. We are proud of having many people with learning difficulties living in supported accommodation in Rothwell and Woodlesford, and one of our biggest concerns is the potential for financial abuse of vulnerable people through dependence on online banking.”
The loss of the Natwest branch also meant that two well-used cash dispensers also went. This caused disquiet when other ATMs in the town centre malfunctioned on the same week the Natwest machines were removed, leaving some people with no access to their own money for days.
Cllr Diane Chapman has been pursuing the opportunity to open a ‘Banking Hub’ in Rothwell:
“A banking hub would provide regular face to face banking sessions for people with accounts at any bank, staffed by banking employees, where cash can be withdrawn or deposited, and advice given. The key is finding a venue to host the sessions, and we think that the Council Offices would be the perfect place. The problem is we can’t make it happen until the Council finally say yes to handing the building over the community.”
The Labour-run administration in charge of the Council decided to close and sell off the Council Offices in 2015. It was only after a significant campaign by local councillors and residents through FORCE (Friends of Rothwell Community Enterprise) that the Council agreed to work with local people to agree a Community Asset Transfer of the building to bring it back into use.
However, despite FORCE investing in condition surveys, a business plan, architectural drawings, and research into funders for the estimated £1 million cost to refurbish the building, eight years on, the Council has still not agreed to hand over the building.
Cllr Stewart Golton fears there may be political interference in the resistance to allow the community to bring back under local control what was the headquarters of the old Rothwell Urban District Council:
“For us in Rothwell, this is part of our heritage, and a big opportunity to stimulate the local economy. Re-opening the building will bring life and activity into a local town centre that is under pressure. Not only could a much needed banking hub be opened, we’ve also got local NHS services queuing up to take up space, as well as small businesses. On top of that, we would have a permanent home for Rothwell Temperance Band, and space for affordable local events.Frustratingly, every time we answer the questions of the Council, they come up with more hoops to jump through, and now we have provided everything they need, the answer is still no. I don’t think the Labour regime can get past seeing the Council Offices as a potential fat cheque, and they don’t care what the true value of the building is to the local community.”The Rothwell LibDem councillors have called on the Leeds Labour leadership to finally make a decision on Rothwell Council Offices. We will update you in the next e-Focus.

Flytippers Beware!
Local Councillor, Conrad Hart-Brooke swung in to action when a local resident flagged up yet another incidence of fly tipping at St John’s church in Oulton. Having visited the site Conrad found an address amongst the dumped waste and went to pay a visit. Once there he found a waste company operating from the address. They were adamant the dumped waste was not theirs, but as a goodwill gesture they agreed to remove it and dispose of it at a registered site! Hopefully that’s an end to the matter – but if it’s not Conrad will be there to sort it out!

School Uniform Exchange – Recycle & Re-use
The school uniform exchange is ‘popping up’ over the summer holidays to help everyone get ready for the new school term. If you have items in good, clean condition then please consider giving them to the team to pass on to someone else. There is a donation point (big green wheelie bin!) in Morrisons (back of the tills, next to the Foodbank trolley) or they can be left with the foodbank team in Blackburn Hall on a Wednesday.

Summer Holidays Kids Activities Club – It’s Back!!
Last summer Blackburn Hall was the venue for a free summer activities session and we’re please to say that as a result of funding from local councillors and Morrisons’ Community champion it’s back for a second year!
The sessions are free and are taking place on 9, 16 & 23 August (the first one took place on 4 August) take place on Wednesdays in August in Blackburn Hall. They run from 12.30 to 2.30 and a sandwich lunch is provided. Children up to the age of 11 are welcome but they need to bring a responsible adult with them!
Last year everyone had a lot of fun and this year is just as good!
What’s Going On?
10 August ‘Breeze in the Park’ - in Springhead Park
14 August Youth Services Activity Day, Woodlesford Park (rescheduled from 4 August)
1-3 September Oulton Fest, Oulton Rugby & Cricket Club
9 September Autumn Festival & Horticultural Show, Methodist Church, Butcher Lane & Commercial Street Rothwell
16/17 September The Mint Festival, Newsam Green Farm
4 November Fireworks Display, Commercial Street)
25 November Christmas Carnival & Lights Switch On (Commercial Street, Rothwell) and Christmas Fair (Blackburn Hall)
As well as these community events there are regular community activities and groups meeting including:
MHA Breakfast Club – every Monday, 9.30-11.30 in Blackburn Hall
check out their other sessions on facebook – MHA Communities Rothwell and district, by phone 0113 288 0887 or by email
Monthly ‘cinema club’, first Monday afternoon each month in the Methodist Hall – free to attend (but donations welcome!) with drinks, biscuits & ice creams provided!
We also have a number of Neighbourhood Forum groups which are focused on protecting and improving our local areas.
- Oulton & Woodlesford also meet on the first Monday in the month in the Oulton Institute
- Rothwell meet on the second Monday in the month at Haigh Road Community Centre
- Carlton meet on the third Monday in the month at Carlton Cricket Club. All meetings start at 7pm.
The Rothwell Tenants & Residents Association meet on the first Wednesday in month alternating between Royds Court and Haigh Road Community Centre. The next meeting is 5 September at Royds Court from 7pm
The LS26 Community Foodbank is open every Wednesday 10.30-12.00 and 3.00-5.00pm. No referral is required although a £3 contribution is requested. Set up during Covid the team are there to help anyone that needs it especially as the cost of living remains stubbornly high. Don’t struggle if you don’t have to – let the team help. There is also a Trussell Trust Foodbank at Rothwell Fire Station open on a Thursday between 9 and 11 am. They do require a referral but are also there to help those that need it.
The Hug in a Mug Café opens the first Saturday in the month 9.00-12.00 in Blackburn Hall serving full breakfasts, sandwiches, cake & drinks. All funds raised are donated to a different charity each month, why not come along and see what it’s like.
And Finally…..
Are you interested in supporting your local Lib Dem team? If so Stewart, Diane and Conrad would love to hear from you. Whether you can deliver a round of leaflets (or two!), stuff a few envelopes, run a website, be a social media guru or even organise an event they’d love to hear from you. They can be contacted at:, or
If you’re interested in becoming a Lib Dem Supporter (free) or a Lib Dem Member (£1-£5 per month) please visit
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