Lib Dems call for two month cancer treatment guarantee to support patients in Leeds

6 Oct 2023

The latest NHS figures show that, in the last year, 1,341 cancer patients in Leeds waited more than 62 days to start treatment after being referred. This means only 45.69% of patients in the area were treated within two months, below the government target of 85%.

Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey used his Autumn Conference speech to set out proposals to invest an extra £4 billion in NHS cancer treatment over the next five years,

The Liberal Democrat plan includes new radiotherapy machines, cutting the time for new medicines to reach patients, a new cancer research law, and better support for cancer patients and their families. 

The new policy builds on existing proposals from the party on health such as introducing a right to see a GP within a week and expanding NHS dentistry so people aren’t forced to pay for private dental treatment.

Everyone knows someone whose life has been turned upside down by cancer.

Councillor Sandy Lay an NHS Nurse and Leeds Liberal Democrat spokesperson

Councillor Sandy Lay an NHS Nurse and Leeds Liberal Democrat spokesperson said:

“Everyone knows someone whose life has been turned upside down by cancer.  

“Far too many people are still waiting, far too long for a diagnosis, or to start treatment after being diagnosed. We must do right by them and get them the care they need when they need it.  

“The Liberal Democrats would give cancer patients a new legal right to treatment within two months of an urgent referral, to make sure they get the care they deserve.

“This forms part of our ambitious plan to end unacceptable cancer delays and boost survival rates.”

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